What's Causing Your Hand Pain?

Your hands are some of the most complex parts of your body, with dozens of tiny bones, tendons, ligaments, and muscles. Damage to any of the parts of your hands can cause pain, tingling, numbness, and functionality problems. 

At Coastal Empire Orthopedics in Savannah, Georgia, Dr. Jonathon Shults and his team of sports medicine experts can help diagnose what could be causing your hand pain, and provide a solution. 

Common causes of hand pain

If you have intermittent or chronic hand pain, the most likely culprit is an injury. The injury could be old or new, and it might be caused by trauma or by repetitive motion. 

If you've ever had a serious injury to your hand or wrist, such as a broken bone or a sprain, you could be suffering from arthritis at the site of the injury. If you have a job or hobby that requires repetitive motions, you could be suffering from nerve pain caused by inflammation or compression. 

Here are three of the most common causes of annoying or debilitating hand pain:

1. Carpal tunnel syndrome

People who work at a desk typing or doing data entry, as well as people who work manual labor jobs requiring repetitive motions (like hammering), can develop inflammation in the wrist. Major nerves in the hand run through the carpal tunnel, which is formed by the bones and ligaments of the wrist. With carpal tunnel syndrome, the nerves are compressed, causing hand pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness or immobility.  

2. Tendinitis

Another common type of overuse injury is tendinitis. Tiny tears can occur in the tendons that run down the forearms through the wrist and into the hand. This causes a dull ache, decreased range of movement, and lessened strength in the hands. De Quervain’s disease is a specific type of tendon condition called tenosynovitis that affects the wrists and hands and can cause pain when you try to grasp an object or make a fist.

3. Trigger finger or thumb

Also a form of tenosynovitis, this condition develops when tendons in a finger or thumb thicken and swell. Fingers can pop, crack, or even lock in place, causing pain and an inability to “unfreeze” the hand. Trigger finger usually shows up in people between the ages of 40 and 60.

Diagnosis and treatment of hand pain

At Coastal Empire Orthopedics, we can diagnose orthopedic problems of the hand using X-rays or MRIs, and form a treatment plan to resolve your hand pain. Treatment may include splints, pain medication, cortisone injections, or even surgery to relieve nerve pain or fix bone fractures. 

Ready to say goodbye to hand pain? Call our office at 912-221-4098 or book a consultation using our online tool.

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