Stop Doing These Things to Avoid Knee Pain

Stop Doing These Things to Avoid Knee Pain

Knee pain is a common complaint. Your knee has an important job: it helps support your entire body when you’re upright and enables you to raise and lower yourself from sitting to standing. When you have painful knees, your mobility is limited. 

Coastal Empire Orthopedic board-certified orthopedic surgeons are the experts to see if you have undiagnosed knee pain. We provide prompt diagnosis and treatment for your musculoskeletal ailments. 

You play a central role in your knee health. Are you inadvertently making your knee pain worse and hurting yourself? Following are habits and activities that may be contributing to your pain. 

Not warming up before workouts or sports play

Do you forget to warm up when you go to the gym or get out on the tennis court? You’re likely hurting your knees. Stretching your thigh muscles eases tension on your tendons, helping to decrease pressure on your knees. 

Going to a high-intensity workout suddenly 

Are you a fan of a new, intense exercise routine? Perhaps it’s a body combat class or Zumba. Maybe you’re on a sports team after not playing for a season. 

If the workout routine is one you’ve never done before or haven’t done lately, your body isn’t used to doing those twists and turns, and you can easily injure yourself. The muscles around your knees need to be built up to engage in the more intense stress you’re placing on them. 

Always start a new exercise routine gradually if you haven’t used those muscles in a while. Your knees will thank you. 

Wearing high heels or other inappropriate footwear 

If you’re a woman, do you love high heels? Wear them sparingly if at all. Wearing high-heeled shoes places excess pressure on your feet and shin muscles, which can cause knee pain. Heels can contract your calf muscles, also causing knee pain. 

Wear the right shoes for the type of physical activity you engage in. For example, court shoes are higher on the sides for extra support as you twist and turn. Toss those worn-out shoes with little cushioning. Give your knees the support they need. 

Being sedentary 

Are you a couch potato? Being sedentary leads to knee pain. The adage, “use it or lose it” is apropos here. When you sit all day, your quadricep muscles tighten up, pulling on your knees. 

One of the many reasons exercise is good for you is that it builds muscle strength. The muscles around your knee help to support them. When they’re weak from inactivity, they can’t support your weight, and you experience pain. 

Weak knee muscles can also lead to a fall. Your body is less stable than it should be. 

Being overweight or obese

If you’re overweight or obese, you’re placing continuous stress on your knee joints. Eventually, your cartilage may break down prematurely. 

If you have osteoarthritis in your knees, your extra weight makes it worse. Your knees aren’t built to function under the stress of the extra 30, 50, or 100 pounds. You may find yourself looking at a knee replacement. Only 10 pounds of excess weight increases pressure on your knees by 30 to 40 pounds. 

Whatever the etiology of your knee pain, we can help relieve your discomfort. Whether it’s arthritis pain or a sports injury, your Coastal Empire Orthopedics physician provides prompt diagnosis and forms a treatment plan individualized to your needs. We counsel you on ways to prevent knee pain and bring back your quality of life. 

Call Coastal Empire Orthopedics or book an appointment online today to relieve your knee pain and musculoskeletal needs. 

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